MLB – Wake Up and Save Your Game: The Root Cause of Major League Baseball’s Problems

Make no mistake, baseball is America’s pastime.  As the Baseball Hall of Fame & Museum often says, “Baseball is sewn into the fabric of America.” The word pastime has multiple meanings. To me, it’s a manner in which to pass time. Unlike the fast-paced Millennial and Gen-Z generations, former generations lived a slower, more in-the-moment lifestyle – and viewed baseball as a means of gathering with family and friends to enjoy watching the ‘boys of…

That Demon Rum

                           One afternoon, many years ago I was tending bar when an ominous looking man with a Boston Blackie style pencil thin moustache walked in and slid into a seat.  He was barely at his stool when the Killer said, “Alcohol is the cause and solution of all problems.”   “Killer Miller” was an exterminator, hence the benign rhyming nickname.                      As a former drunk, the sentence hit my ears like a powerful left…