Along with co-hosting the podcast A Mick A Mook and A Mic, Frank Pace and Billy O’Connor are successful writers. Both have authored and/or co-authored several highly rated books. From the Hollywood scene – to sports – to the life of a bookie, each book is a great read in its own right.
Currently Available:

If These Lips Could Talk
by Frank Pace & Billy O’Connor. Foreword by Brooke Shields
From the edge of Hollywood’s spotlight and right into the locker rooms of America, If These Lips Could Talk gives you a producer’s unfettered access to big-named actors and athletes you have known and admired through the years. Be warned, some of these people are not who they appear to be.
Imagine you are at the Emmy’s with Candice Bergen, or with Sandra Bullock at the world premiere of Oceans 8, or that you have written Rod Carew’s Baseball Hall of Fame induction speech. Now imagine you are seated on a private jet alongside Brooke Shields. One week you are backstage in Sinatra’s dressing room with your pal Don Rickles, the next you are taking the first American TV show to the USSR, and all the while you are coaching a girls’ high school soccer team to a number one spot in the national rankings.
It is a dream, right?
Now imagine a kid who was hustling nickel tips on a paper route at ten years old, a teenage caddy hanging out with a future mafia kingpin, a mediocre student at a small Valhalla, New York high school going nowhere fast.
Things happened that turned his dream into reality.
If These Lips Could Talk is an exhilarating, breezy, unvarnished peek at what goes on at the edge of the spotlight. This book’s not about Frank Pace but about the people he met along the way-a witty, poignant, page-turner that will make you laugh, shake your head and sometimes flat out break your heart.
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Conor Kilcullen is an adrenaline junkie.
A longtime member of the New York City fire department, Conor will be the first to charge into a blazing apartment or crawl down a smokey hallway to save a trapped infant. Conor is also a cocaine addict, an alcoholic and an inveterate gambler who blames God for his first wife’s tragic early death. It is a combustible combination.
Morally rudderless, Conor temporarily flirts with salvation when a beautiful Irish-Cathoic fiddler starts tending bar in his nightclub. Colleen Quinn is everything he’s not–religious, anchored and ethical.
While fighting fires in a busy Bronx station stocked with screwballs, Conor battles atheism, alcoholism, and his inner demons. The tension in COMBUSTIBLE builds not only through the dangerous fire scenes and the accurate depiction of these Bronx firefighters, but to a subplot that finds Conor torn between the voracious Colleen and the girl of his salacious dreams – an Australian whom he meets while on holiday in New Orleans. An already combustible situation quickly accelerates when she is transferred to New York.
The book makes a cataclysmic detour at 9/11. Conor has several decisions to make….decisions that will shape the remainder of his life.
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In 1957 the United States was still in the midst of a post-World War II euphoria. General Dwight Eisenhower, leader of the allied troops in the war was a popular bi-partisan President. Returning veterans were getting reestablished in civilian life. Baby boomers and the economy were well: booming. Sports were all the rage. Baseball, boxing and horse racing ruled the roost but soon they all would have another sport to content with, football. Within 15 years, football would leave them all in the dust. Looking back and wondering what the lords of football did so right, Lamar’s Gamble tells the story of those men, and how the foresight of one exceptional man, Lamar Hunt, forged a merger between the growing National Football League and his own upstart American Football League.
Lamar Hunt didn’t know what he was getting into when he tried to buy into the more established NFL in 1957. Lamar’s Gamble: A Tale of the AFL-NFL Merger is a story rife with gamblers, and hard drinkers who were womanizers, racists, misogynists and maybe — just maybe – even murderers. Many team owners were in it for the money, and there was plenty of that to go around. Lamar Hunt persevered against the wishes of his father: oil barron, H.L Hunt, and the skepticism of the media who labeled Lamar Hunt and the other AFL co-owners, The Losers Club. Still, Lamar Hunt persevered. Just how he did it, well, that is our story.
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Whether you are a gambler, a drunk, a veteran, or just someone looking for a fast, raw read, Confessions of a Bronx Bookie gives you a first-hand glimpse into one of the more interesting facets of American life; the illegal backroom bookie. You will go way beyond the world of gambling when the author roller coasters you from the Bronx to Vietnam, New Orleans, Europe, and even South America Not since Randall McMurphy Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest has there been such a memorable protagonist.
As you laugh away at the misadventures of this tortured soul, you won’t know whether to shake, smack, or smouch him. One thing’s certain, Connor Kelly’s spirit will stay with you long after you close this book. Hemingway famously went to Italy during WW I volunteering to drive an ambulance to gather “material.” Connor Kelly is the bloody material.
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